Blat run from a Batch file

@echo off
:::::::::::::: Lets set some variables ::::::::::::::
set eMail=tim@blat.tld
set subj=-s "Test Blat"
set server=-server localhost
set x=-x "X-Header-Test: Can Blat do it? Yes it Can!"
set debug=-debug -log blat.log -timestamp 
::::::::::::::::: Now we run Blat!  :::::::::::::::::
blat %0 -to %eMail% -f %eMail% %subj% %server% %debug% %x%
The above resolves to the right (all on one line) blat
    -to tim@blat.tld
    -f tim@blat.tld
    -s "Test Blat"
    -server localhost
    -log blat.log
    -x "X-Header-Test: Can Blat do it? Yes it Can!"
Batch file Notes...